MyHomeDoctor - Suivi des patients après une chirurgie ambulatoire

The latest studies inserted

Kusajili is updated regularly with data from the following sources: ACTRN, EU Clinical Trials Register, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Clinical Study Register, Clinical Trials Search Portal provides, ISRCTN, JPRN, ClinicalTrials - NCT, Pfizer, Takeda, Pubmed.

Spotlight on 3 studies

Regularly we prefer 3 studies to help the inclusion of patients.

Whole Brain Radiotherapy (WBRT) With Sorafenib for Breast Cancer Brain Metastases (BCBM)

Sorafenib is a new type of anti-cancer drug. It belongs to a new class of medications known as tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Sorafenib is thought to work against cancer in many ways. It helps decrease blood supply to the tumor. It also blocks some proteins that help the tumor cells to grow." Sorafenib is approved by the Food and Drug administration (FDA) for treatment for oth...

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The Influence of PRN Omega-3 Nutritional Supplement on Visual Acuity

This is a randomized, masked, placebo controlled study to assess the effect on visual acuity, if any, of the PRN omega-3 nutritional supplement in subjects undergoing cataract surgery.

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STARflo European Safety and Efficacy Study

Prospective, Non-comparative, Multi-center clinical trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the STARflo Glaucoma Implant in patients with refractory open angle glaucoma.

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Kusajili is a protean search engine that addresses the need to simplify access to registers and patient inclusions.
Kusajili makes it possible to find in a few clicks, the numerous French and international trials referenced.
Kusajili, associated with MyHomeDoctor, facilitates multicenter clinical trials.
Docteur CRETON, Créateur de KUSAJILI

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