The UK Calciphylaxis Study

Mise à jour : Il y a 5 ans
Référence : ISRCTN34171966

Femme et Homme

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Background and study aims Calcific uraemic arteriolopathy or calciphylaxis is a disease caused by the build-up of calcium on the walls of the small blood vessels which supply the skin and/or muscle. This leads to reduced blood flow causing rashes, ulcers and pain in the affected tissues. It commonly affects the legs and arms but can affect the torso, back or breasts. It occurs almost exclusively in patients with chronic kidney disease but remains very rare, with about 1 case per year for every 600 dialysis patients in the UK. The trigger for the disease is not known but may include local injury. There is no specific treatment as yet that has been shown to work in many or most cases. Doctors often concentrate on getting the balance of minerals in the body right (e.g., calcium and phosphate control). This may require changing dialysis regimes, changing medications or considering treatment for overactive parathyroid glands. In addition, health-care teams focus on pain control, good nutrition and excellent ulcer care if the skin has broken down. This collaborative research project with the UK and Germany aims to find out if there is anything in their treatment or previous blood tests to help us identify who may be at risk of calciphylaxis. Who can participate? Anyone over the age of 18 with a diagnosis of chronic kidney disease and calciphylaxis can be entered into the study. What does the study involve? We will collect clinical information from the patients including details of their treatment and any other diseases they have, and we will collect blood and tissue samples (skin biopsy) to diagnose the condition. What are the possible benefits and risks of participating? The tests we will carry out will help increase our understanding of what the disease process is, so that we can improve our treatments in the future.. Where is the study run from? Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust (UK). When is the study starting and how long is it expected to run for? The study started in March 2012 and will run until September 2021. Who is funding the study? This independent study was designed by clinicians and has been funded by Amgen (UK). Who is the main contact? Dr Smeeta Sinha [email protected]

Critère d'inclusion

  • Chronic kidney disease/ calciphylaxis?
