Kusajili is updated regularly with data from the following sources: ACTRN, EU Clinical Trials Register, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Clinical Study Register, Clinical Trials Search Portal provides, ISRCTN, JPRN, ClinicalTrials - NCT, Pfizer, Takeda, Pubmed.
Regularly we prefer 3 studies to help the inclusion of patients.
Aim 1. Establish a national registry of diverse patients of orthopedic surgeons representing all regions of the country and varied hospital and surgeon practice settings (e.g., urban/rural, low and high volume) to ensure that registry analyses and research reflect typical clinical practice thereby providing optimal guidance for patients, clinicians, and national healthcare ...
More informationTo study the pharmacokinetic characteristics of TQ-B3234 in the human body, recommend a reasonable regimen for subsequent research.
More informationDrug-resistant tuberculosis is becoming a major problem for the whole humanity, and development of new Anti-TB drugs is of great importance. Since Kazakhstan is a country with the high burden of tuberculosis, The Government of The Republic of Kazakhstan has founded initiative on the development of new Anti-TB drug to treat drug-resistant forms of this infectious disease. JS...
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Kusajili is a protean search engine that addresses the need to simplify access to registers and patient inclusions.
Kusajili makes it possible to find in a few clicks, the numerous French and international trials referenced.
Kusajili, associated with MyHomeDoctor, facilitates multicenter clinical trials.
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