Neuroprotection With Erythromycin in Cardiac Surgery

Update Il y a 4 ans
Reference: NCT01274754

Woman and Man

  • | Country :
  • Greece
  • | organs :
  • -
  • | Specialty :
  • -


Neurological complications occur in open heart surgery with a frequency of 40% and they range from major neurological deficits (due to a stroke) to neurocognitive and behavioral disorders. This study aims to determine if erythromycin, a worldwide known antibiotic, protects the brain from damage when given in high doses before and during open heart surgery. The investigators consume that high dose of erythromycin will protect the brain with a pharmacological preconditioning against the global ischemia during the perioperative period of heart surgery.

Inclusion criteria

  • Functional Disturbances Following Cardiac Surgery
