Dietary Protein in the Very-low-birth-weight Infant

Mise à jour : Il y a 4 ans
Référence : NCT01208493

Femme et Homme

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In this randomized study The investigators aim to compare the growth of very-low-birth-weight (VLBW) infants fed either a high protein or a standard protein preterm infant formula. Babies will be fed the assigned formula between the time they achieve full enteral feeds and hospital discharge, for a minimum of 3 weeks. The weight gain (g/d) will be measured and compared between groups. Feeding tolerance, protein-energy status and body composition between the study groups will also be analysed. After discharge, babies will be fed a post-discharge preterm infant formula (PDF) between hospital discharge and 3 m corrected age.

Critère d'inclusion

  • Prematurity
