Triceps Surae Trigger Point Size and Muscle Extensibility

Update Il y a 4 ans
Reference: NCT02087969

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The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of dry needling in improving ankle range of motion and functional outcomes. There have been an increasing number of studies on dry needling as an intervention for pain but none thus far that have studied functional outcome measures of the ankle. The study will include healthy male subjects between the ages of 18-30 years old randomized in to 3 intervention groups of: dry needling of the triceps surae, triceps surae stretching only, dry needling and stretching. The subjects who receive dry needling as an intervention will have the trigger point identified and dry needling performed while under musculoskeletal ultrasound visualization. The subjects will undergo pre and post intervention testing including Lower Quarter Y-Balance test, passive ankle dorsiflexion, closed chain half kneeling dorsiflexion, standing dorsiflexion, deep squat, multisegmental flexion as well as Marx Activity Level Scale. There will be 3 days between the initial testing/intervention and follow up. These outcomes will be the primary variables of interest. Ultrasound, Y balance testing, self stretching, and range of motion measurements are safe and pose no risk to the subject. Dry Needling has been found to be very safe and effective in the hands of physical therapists with a calculated risk of adverse events to be less than 0.04%.

Inclusion criteria

  • Limited Dorsiflexion,Limited Ankle Range of Motion
