Effects of a continuous application of fluids enriched with phosphate on the patients' proper balance of acids and bases during surgery. Auswirkungen einer kontinuierlichen Verabreichung von pho...

Update Il y a 4 ans
Reference: EUCTR2010-024225-20

Effects of a continuous application of fluids enriched with phosphate on the patients' proper balance of acids and bases during surgery. Auswirkungen einer kontinuierlichen Verabreichung von phosphatangereicherter Infusionsflüssigkeit auf den Säure-Basen-Haushalt des Menschen im Rahmen von operativen Eingriffen

Woman Man

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An aedequate perioperative fluid therapy should be capable of replacing fluid (such as urinary output and insensible perspiration) and limited blood losses without disturbing fluid and acid-base homeostasis within the human body. With the use of state of the art crystalloids preparations we often observe the onset of a hyperchloremic acidosis with all its negative consequences like the reduction of renal function, among others. Our hypothesis is based on the Stewart model of acid-base balance where albumin and phosphate, referred to as weak acids (A-), are capable of regulating the pH. Adding sodium glycerophosphate to an established crystalloid preparation, our main objective is to stabilize the level of A- in the patient in order to maintain constant acid-base conditions.

Inclusion criteria

  • This study aims to investigate a new crystalloid fluid therapy regime for the perioperative setting providing stable fluid and acid-base homeostasis in the patient
