Phase I of Infusion of Selected Donor NK Cells After Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation

Update Il y a 4 ans
Reference: NCT01853358

Woman and Man

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The goal of our study will be to determine the clinical and biological safety of infusing immuno-selected NK (Natural Killer) CD3-/CD56+ cells, early after allogeneic transplantation with colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) mobilized peripheral blood stem cells and Reduced Intensity Conditioning (RIC), as a potential substitute to usual "Donor Lymphocyte Infusion" (DLI), that contain the whole range of immune effectors. The trial will include several progressive steps: dose escalation up to a level compatible with the cost-effectiveness potential of the device and clinical situation and recombinant interleukin-2 (r-IL2) activation of selected NK cells in vitro prior to re-infusion.

Inclusion criteria

  • hematological malignancy
