Prevenar (PCV-7) Post-Licensure Safety Study In Russia

Update Il y a 4 ans
Reference: NCT01207583

Woman and Man


This study is planned to monitor the local and/or systemic reactions and compatibility of PCV-7 with routine vaccines in the Russian National immunization schedule. Consistent with the observational nature of this protocol, Prevenar will be administered as standard of care. The aim of this study is to estimate the incidence of febrile reactions more than 38.0 degrees Celsius, specifically (≥38 to < 39 degrees C; > 39 to < 40 degrees C and > 40 degrees C, and the frequency of other local or systemic reactions following vaccination with Prevenar (PCV-7) co-administered with other routine childhood vaccines under the conditions of routine daily use in the Russian Federation.

Inclusion criteria

  • Healthy Children After Vaccination
