Source: nct - Phase: terminated
nct Update Il y a 5 ans

Bronchitis and Emphysema Advice and Training to Reduce Hospitalization EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of a novel intervention incorporating self-management education, an action plan, and case-management to decrease the risk of hospitalizations due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) among veterans with severe COPD. Hypotheses: Primary Hypothesis: Veterans with COPD who receive a self-management program incorporating education sessions, development of an action plan, and case-management will have a decreased risk of COPD hospitalization compared to standardized COPD care. Primary Objective: In an intent-to-treat analysis, determine the efficacy of a comprehensive self-management program for reducing the risk of COPD hospitalization in veterans with severe COPD in comparison to patients receiving standardized COPD care. Secondary Hypotheses: Compared with standardized COPD care, veterans with COPD who receive a comprehensive self-management intervention will have: A) decreased health-related costs resulting from decreased hospitalizations and outpatient utilization, B) decreased hospitalization rates and average length of stay due to both COPD and all-cause admissions, and C) improvement in a set of outcomes including mortality, health-related quality of life, medication adherence, patient satisfaction, disease knowledge, skill acquisition and self-efficacy. Secondary Objectives: To evaluate the healthcare costs, hospitalization days, mortality, adherence, and health outcomes of a comprehensive self-management program compared to standardized COPD care among patients with severe COPD measured by: A)Healthcare-related costs B)Health services use due to COPD and to all causes C)Clinical outcome measures 1. Mortality 2. Health-related quality of life measured by generic and COPD-specific measures 3. Patient satisfaction 4. Medication adherence 5. Disease knowledge, skill acquisition and self-efficacy In the proposed study, 960 veterans with severe COPD hospitalized in the previous year will be randomly assigned to either a comprehensive case management program or standardized COPD care. The comprehensive group will receive an initial, intense education program with development of an action plan, and regular telephone contacts by a case manager in addition to standardized COPD care. Patients allocated to the control arm will receive standardized care that incorporates guideline-based recommendations including influenza vaccination, a short-acting bronchodilator, and either a long-acting bronchodilator or inhaled corticosteroid inhaler. The study will be conducted in 2 phases, a 12-month feasibility study conducted at 6 VA sites followed by the full study in which an additional 8 sites will enroll patients over the next 24 months. As a result, 180 patients will be initially enrolled in the feasibility study over the first year and the remaining 780 patients will be enrolled in the second and third years of the study when the full study is implemented. Subjects will be followed until the completion of the study, for at least one, and up to four years. The primary outcome is time to first COPD hospitalization.

  • Country None
  • organs None
  • Specialty None
Closed trial
Robert J Kreitman, M.D Update Il y a 5 ans

Retreatment Protocol for BL22 Immunotherapy in Relapsed or Refractory Hairy Cell Leukemia BL22 is a type of protein that scientists have created to interact with certain cancer cells. Experiments have shown that BL22 can bind with cancer cells that have a particular kind of protein (called CD22 ) on their surface, and can kill those cells. CD22 is present on certain types of hairy cell leukemia (HCL) cancer cells, and researchers have been working on treatments that will use BL22 and other related proteins to interact with and kill these kinds of cancer cells. The primary purpose of this study will be to provide access to and treatment with BL22 for patients who have HCL in order to determine their response to the treatment. In addition, the study will assess potential side effects of BL22 and examine why some patients respond better than others to treatment with BL22 and related therapies. This study will include about 21 to 25 adults who have been diagnosed with forms of HCL that have not responded well to standard treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy. These adults also will have received anti-CD22 therapies before, potentially including treatments with BL22, and have not developed immunity or resistance to these treatments. Prior to the study, patients will undergo a 1- to 2-week screening period to assess their eligibility for treatment. Eligible patients will participate in the study for up to 16 cycles of treatment, with each cycle lasting approximately 4 weeks. For each cycle, patients will receive 1 prescribed dose of BL22 every other day for a total of 3 doses per cycle, and will be assessed after every cycle to evaluate the success of the treatment. During the evaluation visits, patients will be required to have a brief physical examination, give blood and urine samples for testing, and undergo other tests as need to check heart and kidney function and assess the state of the leukemia. Patients who agree will give additional blood, urine, or bone marrow samples for future research purposes.

  • Country None
  • organs None
  • Specialty None
Closed trial