Safety and Efficacy Study of Daclatasvir 60mg, Sofosbuvir 400mg, and Ribavarin (dosed based upon weight) in subjects with chronic Genotype 3 Hepatitis C infection with or without prior treatment exper...

Mise à jour : Il y a 5 ans
Référence : EUCTR2014-005310-28

Safety and Efficacy Study of Daclatasvir 60mg, Sofosbuvir 400mg, and Ribavarin (dosed based upon weight) in subjects with chronic Genotype 3 Hepatitis C infection with or without prior treatment experience and compensated advanced cirrhosis for 12 or 16 weeks

Femme et Homme

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The purpose of this study is to determine if the use of Daclatasvir, Sofosbuvir, and Ribavarin in combination is safe and effective in the treatment of Genotype 3 Chronic Hepatitis C (HCV) in patients with compensated cirrhosis. Patients in this study may have already been treated prior for HCV or may have never received treatment for their HCV.

Critère d'inclusion

  • Genotype 3 Chronic Hepatitis C infection with Compensated Advanced Fibrosis/Cirrhosis (F3/F4)
