Evaluating femtosecond laser assisted cataract and lens surgery

Mise à jour : Il y a 4 ans
Référence : ISRCTN49681405

Femme et Homme

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Background and study aims In femtosecond laser-assisted surgery a laser is used to create tiny incisions in the eye through which the old cloudy lens or cataract is removed and the new lens is implanted. The system has recently been introduced into the European Union and clinical use is limited, so we are evaluating the use of this system. Who can participate? Adults (aged over 16) undergoing refractive lens or cataract surgery. What does the study involve? Data on the results of your surgery will be analysed. We will also carry out some additional tests before and after surgery to determine the health of your eyes. What are the possible benefits and risks of participating? The additional tests are all non-contact, non-invasive and involve no discomfort. It is likely to take a maximum of 1 hour of extra time to perform these. There is no additional charge for you to be part of the study. The measurements performed will be providing additional information about the health of your eyes. However, overall it is unlikely that you will benefit personally from helping with this research project, but the results of the research should be of benefit to the large number of patients in the future. Where is the study run from? Moorfields Eye Hospital (UK). When is the study starting and how long is it expected to run for? August 2012 to August 2013. Who is funding the study? Investigator initiated and funded (UK). Who is the main contact? Julian Stevens [email protected]

Critère d'inclusion

  • Cataract, refractive error
