Early Versus Late Surgical Wait Times

Update Il y a 5 ans
Reference: NCT02636790

Woman and Man

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  • | organs :
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  • | Specialty :
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The sinus surgical wait list in British Columbia continues to grow. The current wait list is beyond what is acceptable by the province's standard; however, this is not likely to improve given the budget constraints of the health care system. The outcome of having patients to wait longer than medically reasonable for surgery, not only affects the patients' quality of life but presents financial difficulties, both directly to the patient, the healthcare system and the economy as a whole. Therefore, the investigators need to determine which patients need to be prioritized for surgery. The investigators will follow two groups of patients - one group from Stanford University who get surgery always before 8 weeks and compare them to patients on the VGH wait list which is often more than one year.

Inclusion criteria

  • Rhinosinusitis
