Evaluation of Nutritional Status and Fatigue in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis

Mise à jour : Il y a 4 ans
Référence : NCT02008669

Femme et Homme

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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic progressive neurological disease, the leading cause of disability after injury accidents in young adults. Among the many symptoms, fatigue is very common with a significant impact on quality of life. Also, the disability caused by multiple sclerosis can alter food intake and can cause nutritional deficiencies. Nutrients such as proteins, minerals (iron, calcium, magnesium), some vitamins (B12, 25 OHD) are often deficient in this population with consequences in physical performance such as endurance and muscle strength. We propose to study the link between fatigue and shortcomings encountered in a defined population of MS patients.

Critère d'inclusion

  • Multiple sclerosis
