Accuracy, Yield and Clinical Impact of a Low-Cost HRME in the Early Diagnosis of Esophageal Adenocarcinoma

Mise à jour : Il y a 4 ans
Référence : NCT02018367

Femme et Homme

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  • | Organes :
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  • | Spécialités :
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The overall goal of the study is to determine whether imaging with the low-cost High Resolution Microendoscope(HRME) will increase the efficiency and yield of the current standard of endoscopic surveillance of Barrett's esophagus. We believe the HRME will provide an in-vivo "optical biopsy" that will be comparable to gold standard histopathology and allow the endoscopist to make a more informed decision about whether to obtain a biopsy or even perform endoscopic therapy (i.e. endoscopic mucosal resection, EMR).

Critère d'inclusion

  • Barrett's esophagus
