Source: nct - Le promoteur: nct
nct MAJ Il y a 4 ans

What is the Maximum Amount of Carbohydrates That is Still Able to Induce Ketosis and Suppress Appetite? Two dietary approaches, very low energy diets (VLEDs) and ketogenic low carbohydrate diets (KLCDs), have the ability to suppress appetite. The suppression of appetite typically observed during these diets is believed (but not clinically proven) to be due to ketosis, a condition where circulating concentrations of ketone bodies are increased due to a higher production of ketones in the liver. Little is known about the potential mechanisms through which ketosis may lead to appetite suppression in VLEDs and KLCDs. A 'ketogenic diet' typically contains less than 50 grams carbohydrate per day, yet ketosis has been seen in subjects who consume diets with a carbohydrates ranging between 59-192 grams per day. Although an association between ketosis and appetite suppression has been established, the minimum level of ketosis and maximum carbohydrate intake that is still associated with appetite suppression remains unknown and should be explored. The ability to increase carbohydrate intake while maintaining a suppressed appetite will allow dieters to consume more carbohydrate-rich food that is beneficial for health without feeling more hungry. The aim of this study is, therefore, to identify the maximum carbohydrate intake that is still associated with appetite suppression in a low energy diet and to determine the impact of a higher carbohydrate intake on appetite suppression, body composition, and resting metabolic rate.

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nct MAJ Il y a 4 ans

Bronchitis and Emphysema Advice and Training to Reduce Hospitalization EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of a novel intervention incorporating self-management education, an action plan, and case-management to decrease the risk of hospitalizations due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) among veterans with severe COPD. Hypotheses: Primary Hypothesis: Veterans with COPD who receive a self-management program incorporating education sessions, development of an action plan, and case-management will have a decreased risk of COPD hospitalization compared to standardized COPD care. Primary Objective: In an intent-to-treat analysis, determine the efficacy of a comprehensive self-management program for reducing the risk of COPD hospitalization in veterans with severe COPD in comparison to patients receiving standardized COPD care. Secondary Hypotheses: Compared with standardized COPD care, veterans with COPD who receive a comprehensive self-management intervention will have: A) decreased health-related costs resulting from decreased hospitalizations and outpatient utilization, B) decreased hospitalization rates and average length of stay due to both COPD and all-cause admissions, and C) improvement in a set of outcomes including mortality, health-related quality of life, medication adherence, patient satisfaction, disease knowledge, skill acquisition and self-efficacy. Secondary Objectives: To evaluate the healthcare costs, hospitalization days, mortality, adherence, and health outcomes of a comprehensive self-management program compared to standardized COPD care among patients with severe COPD measured by: A)Healthcare-related costs B)Health services use due to COPD and to all causes C)Clinical outcome measures 1. Mortality 2. Health-related quality of life measured by generic and COPD-specific measures 3. Patient satisfaction 4. Medication adherence 5. Disease knowledge, skill acquisition and self-efficacy In the proposed study, 960 veterans with severe COPD hospitalized in the previous year will be randomly assigned to either a comprehensive case management program or standardized COPD care. The comprehensive group will receive an initial, intense education program with development of an action plan, and regular telephone contacts by a case manager in addition to standardized COPD care. Patients allocated to the control arm will receive standardized care that incorporates guideline-based recommendations including influenza vaccination, a short-acting bronchodilator, and either a long-acting bronchodilator or inhaled corticosteroid inhaler. The study will be conducted in 2 phases, a 12-month feasibility study conducted at 6 VA sites followed by the full study in which an additional 8 sites will enroll patients over the next 24 months. As a result, 180 patients will be initially enrolled in the feasibility study over the first year and the remaining 780 patients will be enrolled in the second and third years of the study when the full study is implemented. Subjects will be followed until the completion of the study, for at least one, and up to four years. The primary outcome is time to first COPD hospitalization.

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