MyHomeDoctor - Suivi des patients après une chirurgie ambulatoire

Les dernières études insérées

Kusajili est mis à jour régulièrement avec les données des sources suivantes : ACTRN, EU Clinical Trials Register, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Clinical Study Register, Clinical Trials Search Portal provides, ISRCTN, JPRN, ClinicalTrials - NCT, Pfizer, Takeda, Pubmed.

Coup de projecteur sur 3 études

Régulièrement nous privilégions 3 études pour aider à l'inclusion des patients.

First-in-Human Single and Multiple Dose of EB8018

The purpose of this study is to determine the safety profile of single and multiple doses of EB8018 in healthy male subjects, to determine the pharmacokinetic profile of single and multiple doses of EB8018 in healthy male subjects and to assess preliminary effects of EB8018 on the healthy male gut microbiome.

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Study of Apatinib as 3rd/4th Line Treatment in Patients With Advanced Non-Squamous Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Harboring Wild-type Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR)

Apatinib is a new kind of selective Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2(VEGFR-2) tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI). The investigators have finished the preclinical,phase I and phase II clinical studies and found its promising anti-tumor activity and tolerable toxicities. A disease-control rate of 61.1% and a mPFS of 4.7 months were showed in apatinib phase II study ...

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Measurement of vein size using ultrasound in patients prior to Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter insertion

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Kusajili est un moteur de recherche protéiforme qui répond aux besoins de simplifier l'accès aux registres et l'inclusions des patients.
Kusajili permet de retrouver en quelques clics, les multiples études Française et internationales référencées.

Kusajili, associé à MyHomeDoctor, facilite les études cliniques multicentriques.
Docteur CRETON, Créateur de KUSAJILI

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